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The First Realizations That You're Not in College Anymore
1. You're waking up at 6 am instead of going to bed.
2. Beers at lunch get you reprimanded.
3. College sweatshirts are 'casual' instead of dress up.
4. Your parents charge rent.
5. The four food groups are no longer beer, pizza, chips and cereal.
6. It's 'getting late' when it's 9:30 p.m.
7. Three words: Student Loan Payments.
8. You make thousands of dollars a year - and still can't afford
that dream Porsche.
9. You start eyeing the Light Beer Section appreciatively.
10. Then: discussing with your friends: GPA's, spring break plans,
and tonsil hockey;
Now: mutual funds, interest rates, and wedding plans.
11. Sleeping on the couch is a no-no.
12. Naps are no longer available between noon and 6 p.m.
13. Sneakers are now 'weekend shoes'.
14. Dinner and a movie - The whole date instead of the beginning of
15. You wear more ties in a week than you even owned while taking in
16. You find yourself reminiscing fondly of 2-hour Calculus exams.
17. You empathize with the characters from 'Friends'.
18. Wine appreciation expands beyond Boone's and Mad Dog.
19. You actually eat breakfast foods at breakfast time.
20. Grocery lists actually contain relatively healthy food.
21. Over 90% of the time you spend in front of a computer is for
real work, not video games.
22. Golf is beginning to seem a lot less silly.
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