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INSULTS for all occations
You are so stupid, that you sit on the TV and watch the couch!

You were so ugly when you were a child your mamma had to tie a porkchop around your neck just so the dog would play with you!

Your so ugly that when you looked out the window you got arrested for "mooning".

You're so ugly that when you went for a job application in a haunted house they said no proffesionals allowed!

You're so poor you stuck your key in the front door and killed four people in the hall!

You're so poor your front and back door are on the same hinge!

You're so stupid that you returned a donut because it had a hole in the middle!

If I had a dog as ugly as you I would shave his butt and make him walk back-wards!

Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you'd had enough oxygen at birth?

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